Thursday, December 19, 2013

Polar Express Day

We have been having lots of FUN on the Polar Express today!

We started our day listening to The Polar Express book!

Then it was time to BOARD the TRAIN for the North Pole! We had our tickets and were EXCITED to GOOOOO....

 Found our seats and showed our Tickets...Got them punched...settled in and OFF we went!

After lunch...we enjoyed our very own Hot Chocolate...while aboard the Polar Express!

 The FIRST GIFT of Christmas!

We got AN EMERGENCY call from Mrs. Hamilton...WE had a visitor from the NORTH POLE and he had a package for US....I ran, ran as fast as I could...but HE was gone before I got there!!! But I did get the package and BRRRRR was it cold...Inside we found bells!  Everyone could hear them ringing!!  

We sequenced our Story!

Obviously our chain is MUCH shorter today!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Busy Busy

We have been busy busy in 313.  The holidays can be a stressful time for littles at school. Our schedule is way off...we are super excited for the upcoming holiday season and multiply that by at least 20 and things can get crazy!

BUT...with that being said the group is doing an overall fantastic job...Their teacher...well...she has slacked on some of her duties like blogging and picture taking.

Our room is looking festive...
We have countdown to Christmas Chains and talk about 1 less as we take a chain link off daily!

Elfie brought colored lights to light up our room...

We are comparing different versions of The Gingerbread Man...
So we made a gingerbread kid glyph.  Glitter: Boys-Orange Girls-Pink
Eyes: Stars if your 5, Circles if your 6, Triangles if your 7, Buttons: we put a button on for every PERSON living in our house, Stripes: 1 stripe if you like to eat gingerbread, 2 if you don't.  Mouth: a smile if your on the NICE list!
WE are able to look at our festive decorations and tell a lot about our class!

Tomorrow is POLAR EXPRESS Day...don't forget it is P.J. Day...Some have heard the story/seen the movie, some have not. We will be connecting jammie day to the story as well as comparing the book to the movie. party day! 1:45

My New Year's Resolution is to get back on track with things I've been slacking on this year!
On February 17th Miss C will be in our room for 6 weeks!!! We are so looking forward to showing her what it's like to be in Kindergarten!

Have a VERY Merry Christmas and a SAFE New Year!  See you all in 2014!!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 65

So today we went to the library!!! There were only a few friends that forgot their books! Bring them in and we can get those back and maybe check out a new one before the holidays! If you are going to be leaving before the holidays please make sure your child returns his/her library book so that it doesn't get lost in the holiday shuffle!

I will be sending book pages home tomorrow.  Everyone will get 10 pages and a piece of construction paper...remember that this book is being "published" meaning we are writing it for others to read...NEATNESS, staying on topic, and being able to read it...all COUNT!

In reading and writing we have talked about main idea and staying on topic.  In writing we are really stressing spaces between our words so that others can read our writing.  And in math we are working with and within 1-10! This project is going to HIGHLIGHT all that we are learning! I'm so excited!!!

We have started to do a short poetry study.  At this time we are listening and enjoying poetry. As we listen we are making a "working" anchor chart...meaning we can change it as our thoughts and ideas change.  Today we said, "Poems...ALWAYS have a main idea or topic and are written by Poets.  Poems...SOMETIMES rhyme, have illustrations, make a shape, are long or short.  

Conventions: Top to Bottom, Left to Right and SPACES between words.

Comparing numbers and sets to 10.  Today we really focused on equal sets and how we know two sets are equal!

Problem Solving:
There were 4 gingerbread men. How many legs were there all together?  WOW...some repeated addition...the ground floor of multiplication!

Characteristics of the seasons.  

We also celebrated a birthday today!!!

Our Buckaroo had a special lunch with a special MOMMY today!

Such sweet girls!!

Have a great evening!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 64

Can you believe we just got back from vacation and the count down has begun for the next one!  14 days until Winter Break! Just c.r.a.z.y!  And soon after our return the 2nd 9 weeks will be OVER! That means HALF yes HALF the year will be gone. I just don't understand how that happens so quickly!

Well...this is going to be short...just got out of a meeting and GUESS what? This BUCKAROO is EXHAUSTED...(somehow I missed my nap today)


New Things Happening...
It's that time of YEAR...Elfie has made his appearance! He will be watching us! And if I know him at all he will be playing some tricks and leaving us some treats!!!

You're a MEAN one...Mr. Grinch...But we are trying to teach him how to be nice and grow his heart!  As I see my kind littles doing something sweet or kind for someone else I will add a heart to his!  WE will see how big we can GROW it!!! As you can see...we started today!

I will try to get a smilebox done with our Thanksgiving feast photos sometime this week! Let's see how that goes!

Don't forget HOMEWORK:

Have a wonderful evening!!!