Friday, March 21, 2014

What Happened This Week!

In math this week the kids learned to use different strategies to solve their word problems! Some strategies the students’ used were cubes, a ten’s frame, number lines, or drawing pictures.  Here’s a peek. J

The students LOVED coming up and being “The Teacher”. One friend used the Inverse to check his problem. What a smart cookie!

Let's Save Water! In science this week the students learned all about water! The students discussed How much water we use everyday, Why water is important, and How to help conserve water. 

Here is some posters the students' were creating on "How to Conserve Water." 

 The friend above did a fabulous job with his poster. He talked about how drinking water wasn't being wasteful since we need water! 

 These friends decided to draw ways to help conserve water around the house! 

The students had a blast making their posters and presenting them to their classmates on Friday! What a great way to help spread the word about conserving water!


The students have been working very hard in writing. Throughout the week the students have been working on making a book with the same topic. The things they can come up with are amazing!

Here is one friend during “Author’s Chair” sharing her writing with the class!

               Language Arts
Good Writers and Readers Ask Questions!

During our lessons this week we really focused on questioning! What makes a good question, and what question words can we use!

The students practiced good questions with their buddy during buddy reading!

The students and I talked about before, during, and after questions to keep us on track while we read! 

     BuCkArOo Of ThE wEeK

Take a look at this sweet buckaroo’s week   

On Tuesday our buckaroo presented her "All about me" poster: 
 Cocoa puffs and Lucky charms are her FAVORITE cereals!
 Here she is answering some questions her friends had for her..

On Wednesday our Buckaroo read and talked about her favorite book! 

Thursday: Aww how sweet is our buckaroo during lunch with her mom:)

Friday: Our buckaroo brought her "show and Tell" to class today! BOY, was her show and tell a hit! The students LOVED IT!


              (Theme Music)...

Introducing our SUPER HERO of the week!

How wonderful is this student? I cannot describe the growth this student has had since i have known him. He is a great friend, student, and person! 

Way to Go DUDE!

 Look how happy he is..A-Maz-ING!  

   What a fabulous first week back from Spring Break! The students did a wonderful job of getting back into the school routine!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the warm weather with your kiddos!



I found this on one of the Macs and thought it was hilarious!  I had to share!
 Some of my favorite littles...This looks like a Disney Alien Movie!
                 I think we will have to use this as a story starter when we start reviewing story writing!                                                   

School Supplies

School Supply Time

Parents, if you would like to save yourself a lot of time...I've got the deal for you!  Order your child's school supplies online NOW and they will be delivered to Robertson in August!  No craziness at Walmart or Target...Your child will have all required supplies!!
See the link on the sidebar!  This offer is ONLY good until June 16th!  
enter ID: ROB031

It's Field Trip Time...

When: April 4  9:15-11:30ish
Who: Room 313
What to WEAR: PINK field trip shirt (with long sleeves under if cool), jeans or shorts (weather appropriate) and CLOSED toed shoes.
Bring: a LUNCH from HOME (we will eat at school but will miss our regular lunch time. We will have a picnic in our classroom or outside)
We don't want to take anything with that we won't forget to bring anything HOME! :)
We have had 3 moms express an interest in coming along!! If there is anyone else please let me know.  Unfortunately,  siblings will not be allowed at this one!  We are in a small classroom and then JEEP time is limited to Kinders!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome Back...

It is time for another field trip.  We are headed to Frisco Fire Safety Town on April 4th at 9:15 am.  We will need at least 4 parents to accompany us!  Weather permitting we will be driving/riding the jeeps around "town".  We need parents stationed throughout the town to help when we run up on the curb, run into each other and forget which way to go!!! It is a hands on time! 

 Since we will miss our regular lunch time it would be great if your child brought his/her lunch on this day. We will eat when we return in the classroom or outside.  

Your child should wear his/her pink field trip shirt, long pants or shorts and TENNIS SHOES! 

We are looking forward to a FUN time!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy Happy...

Spring Break...
Although we are all happy for a short break...We are also very sad to have to say good-bye to one of our little buckaroos!  Chelsie will be moving after spring break!  We wish her lots of love and luck in her new school community!

Our Science study of the CLARITY of different type of water samples:
We brainstormed all kinds of places water can come from:
ocean, lake, pond, puddles, faucets, pool, rain, river, store...
Then we looked at some samples I brought in...
Recording our observations in our science journal came next!

Then as a class we recorded the clarity of the samples and where it came from!  My little scientist are becoming GREAT at making predictions and using vocabulary!!!
 Thursday DAD came to eat with our special Buckaroo!
 Wednesday we heard one of her favorite books!
Tuesday Jaymie told us all about herself.  Everyone LOVES looking at all of the Buckaroo's favorites!

This might be one of my favorite times of the day!  I LOVE listening to my littles actually READING and questioning each other.  They are always so engaged!  After spring break we are going to fill our tool box with questions about books before we read, while we are reading and after we read!

Ms. C
We are so lucky to have Ms. C in our classroom.  Look at the one on one attention we are able to get.  This little one is becoming quite the WRITER!  We are continually amazed at the littles progress!

Happy Spring Break To ME....
Nothing could make me happier than to get this on the day before break! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my littles and am going to MISS MISS MISS them!

Have a FUN but safe vacation....
I'll see you in a week if I don't FREEZE up north! 
Hugs and Love to all my LITTLES!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


areas that need continual practice...
  • count forward and backward to at least 15 with and without objects.
  • read, write, and represent whole numbers from 0-15 with and without objects
  • compare sets  of objects up to at least 20 in each set using comparative language.
  • model the action of joining and separating.
  • solve word problems using objects and drawings.
  • explain the strategies used to solve addition and subtraction problems using objects, pictures and number sentences.
  • Identify US coins by name, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
  • recite numbers up to at least 100 by ones and tens.
  • collect, sort and organize data.
  • use data to create real object and picture graphs.
  • draw conclusions from real objects and picture graphs.
  • differentiate between money received as income and money received as gifts.
  • list simple skills required for jobs.
  • distinguish between wants and needs and identify income as a source to meet one's wants and needs.