On Friday we had our first Celebration of Learning!
Mrs. Grayard (our computer teacher) led us in a fun song Tony Chesnut!!! Lots and lots of laughs!
Our friends were recognized as Hippest in the HOUSE for exemplifying Responsibility and Courage/Integrity!
Color poems and words...we have finished all the colors for this year!
And to go along with our turkey poem we made some FUNNY birds!!!
I love how each one has it's own personality!!! So much fun. This was a lesson in listening and following directions! I am so impressed with my LITTLES!!!
This week we are looking at NOW and THEN...
Today we talked Past and Present! And how things compare. We did a sort...
Can you guess which one is present and which is past? The littles did a GREAT job!
We started talking about subtraction and using a take away mat to show what happens to a number when we subtract. We discovered it gets smaller.
At our tub time...these kiddos are doing a great job with ONE more and TWO more. They roll the die then they have to figure out what is one or two more than the number on the die!!!
I love how they encourage and help one another to figure out the answer!!
Today we started talking about the seasons...I put on my winter coat and bundled up and started to read a book...YES, they thought I was crazy..."She's cold!, She's going to get HOT in here with that one..." and sure enough I did get hot. I asked them if I should change into my tank top, shorts and flip flops and they giggled...but decided that wasn't the best outfit for today either! (This is a DIFFICULT topic living here in TEXAS!) We decided that pants and t-shirts are best for this weather and be sure to have a light jacket...just in case! I told them I was going to show them 4 pictures. Then I was going to give them little pictures to sort...But that's all I told them.

After all was sorted we talked about the seasons and what they were called and how HOT or COLD it was during that season. Not many knew SPRING...we will need to keep working on that one! I drew the "thermometers" and we talked about what would come next based on what they saw...(just threw in a little patterning...) Once we figured out the pattern some one said, "IT'S A CYCLE!" Wow!!! just like the days of the week and the pumpkin...I LOVE their connections!
Have a wonderful evening!