Friday, February 28, 2014


In reading we were talking about characters and the reasons for their actions as well as character traits.  We integrated this into SS Black History Month.

We used our BUBBLE MAP to describe our Characters: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ruby Bridges.

 Dr. King made a speech because he was dedicated to making changes, hard working, fair, loving, kind and helpful.  Even though famous and handsome describe Dr. Martin Luther King they do not give us a reason for making his speech.
We think that Ruby Bridges went to school every day (even though it was hard and scary) because she was in 1st grade, helping others be able to get an education, brave, proud, brown, sad, important, alone, and confident!  All of these describe Ruby and give us a reason for her actions!

WOW...I think this is some GREAT thinking for my littles...
This is something that you can do with your little one and the books they read at home!

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