So, yesterday I told you there was something missing from our coconut tree...But before we could add those special characters we talked some more about concepts of print! We even added some new things to our circle map. Someone said that words were in the book and then someone said that words have letters! We talked about how to open a book and where to start reading. I had a lot of little voices helping me read today! WHAT order to go to our table spot and add not just letters but GLITTER letters we had to identify a letter from our flash cards.
After finishing up our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees we talked about rules! I asked why we needed rules. And just as I suspected some smartie britches told me to keep us SAFE. We talked about keeping our rules positive...and made a list! Listen, keep our hands to ourselves, be NICE to others, walk. I think they did a GREAT job. Then we read NO David! by David Shannon. We used our concept of print knowledge and read right through David's escapades!
We got to make our own David and talked about rules David should have followed. I will post pictures of those cute little fellows tomorrow!
But here are some of the process. We are combining so much into our lessons. Fine motor skills, rules, and concept of print! Kinder isn't what it used to be! <wink>
By this time it was recess and lunch time (guess lunch practice NEEDED) WOO HOO!
After lunch we talked about what makes each of us special. We watched Molly Lou Melon Click Here
and then drew a picture of what made us special!
I am special because...
I have a dog. ~Valentino
I like my family. ~Kensli
my mom loves me. ~Cade
I watch T.V. with my family. ~Gabrielle
I like my family. ~ Jaymie
I have a twin sister. ~Kamaura
I like to hang out in the sun. ~Bella
I play soccer. ~Bobby
I got a birthday present. ~Chelsie
I am an artist. ~Jakson
I help my baby brother. ~Kyon
I love my sisters and my family. ~Jordyn
I play with my dog. ~Addison
I am happy. ~Janiya
I made a robot out of sticks. ~Julius
I'm an artist. ~ Addie
I have two turtles. ~Chase
"sokr". ~Luke (I love that he gave it a try on his own)
I live in an apartment. ~Reece
(not everyone finished!)
I think these are some of the most special kids I know!!!
We explored with some new math tubs today...and after P.E. with Coach Moore and Coach B we broke out the SCIENCE equipment!
Be sure to ask your little one to explain what each of these tools is used for! A balance, goggles and a hand lens! One of our favorites...
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