We had a delightful day!!!
Turkey in Disguise!! If for some reason...something "happens" to your turkey homework...Ms. K has loaded them onto the Robertson Kindergarten Website GOBBLE GOBBLE it is the last document loaded under Parent Resources! I'm so excited about this project...the past 7 years I have admired the creativity of our Kinder families! NOW I get to say, "YEP, that's mine!"
Our TWO newest CAMPERS!!!
They are so proud to be wearing their boosterthon bands!
Buck A Roo
Show and Tell is always by FAR the BEST day of the Buck A ROOS week!
Today we had "Favorite Squeaky Characters"...I'm definitely out of the LOOP...I've got NO idea who the Sqeaky's are!!! But they are ALMOST as cute as this little Buck A Roo!
Next Week!
I will be out Monday and Tuesday! I have a district meeting to attend! I so wish I was going to be here!!! Keep those pledges coming in! Ms. K's class is pulling WAY ahead!!!
We played a COOL game today...(I'll give you a little break down...but DEFINITELY ask your little to tell you about it...)
I started by telling them they were all going to be plants (seeds) I scattered brown, blue, white and yellow paper all over the ground. I told my little seeds to walk around (blowing in the wind) when I told them to stop that is where they landed. They could NOT move from that spot but had to pick up 4 pieces of paper. As they showed me the paper 2 browns, a blue and a yellow...4 blues, 2 yellows and 2 browns...etc I had to tell them, "I'm sorry little seed you did not survive." They had to go back to their seat. After a couple rounds I heard lots of discussion at their seats..."why do they still get to play?" "He has 1 of each color." "That's not fair, I'm always out." At this point once I saw that some of the seeds were starting to look for 1 of each color and the other seeds were noticing that that was was kept them "IN THE GAME" we talked about why those seeds got to stay in...AND right away they caught on...The yellow was the sun, the blue water, the brown soil and the White (well that one was more difficult) but have no fear one of my buckaroos finally said AIR!!! Those are all the things a plant NEEDS to survive! So then we played again...This time everyone got all four the first couple of rounds...but as they collected them I started to take some of it away...WE had A LOT of plants "fighting" for the same things... and the strongest ones the ones who landed where there were things they needed SURVIVED! What a powerful lesson! When we were cleaning up...one friend asked, "Where are the roots?" That led us to another conversation. What a plant NEEDS and the PARTS of a plant! We decided that if a seed gets everything it needs then it can grow its roots, stem, leaves and flowers!
Once again...it's days like this that remind me why I LOVE LOVE LOVE this profession.
Have a wonderful weekend!
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