Sight words should be practiced OFTEN!!! We are beginning to see more and more of them in our reading books and still struggling with them. I am noticing a lot of buckaroos using the word wall more when writing! YAY! SOOO...I am sending home a list of our sight words broken up into the 9 weeks. You can post these somewhere your child is likely to see them and maybe where he or she writes! You can have a mini word wall at home! The bathroom mirror or even the refrigerator would WORK!!!
Don't forget to start practicing numbers! Parents ask your child to tell you what the speed limit is...have them count to you often. Counting to 100 and writing numbers to 20 is an expectation!
We enjoyed the princess cupcakes and everyone LOVED the birthday girls "GINORMOUS" cupcake! Thanks for letting us celebrate!
Passing out treats to our friends is always FUN!!! BUT we ALL wait for that FIRST bite to be taken by the birthday girl or we can DIG IN!!!
Everyone is working hard on their penguin writing! We have some GREAT beginning writers here in room 313! Be sure to ask your child what they are writing about these days!!!
Rocks, PROPERTIES of Rocks and MORE Rocks!
Hard, soft, smooth, rough, bumpy, sparkly, dull, dusty,shiny, big and small, HEAVY and light, flat and round...

We are talking about the attributes of SOLID shapes this week (3-d) Please help your child identify these shapes around your house!
Sphere, cone, cube and cylinder
As you identify them in your home talk about what/how many of the following you see!
Vertices (corners where two or more edges meet), Faces/base (flat sides), edges (where two faces meet) and points! Please be sure to use the 3-D solid names!
One was so excited to tell me that his refrigerator was a RECTANGLE...So, we had to talk about the FACE of it was a rectangle but the the object itself was called a rectangular prism!!!
(Behavior) Color UPDATE:
We have entered the 2nd half of our year. There are some classroom/school/hallway expectations that we have worked on since day one...Raising our hand, using inside voices and walking in a quiet line. Since we are going to be first graders in the near future I will not be giving out 2, 3 sometimes more warnings for not doing the above! I believe my little buckaroos can control themselves enough to remember those few rules!
100th Day projects Due Monday!
Dress like you're 100 FRIDAY, Feb. 7!
Have a great evening!