Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I didn't have lots of time today to take videos or pictures...So I have one from home I'll share!!! My sweet, sweet Beansli...She is so PROUD (or embarrassed, I'm not sure) of her new jewels!!!

She definitely makes life at home more FUN!!!

Today we continued to talk about SHAPES!
Plane shapes have 2-Dimensions, sides, and vertices.
Solid shapes have 3 -Dimensions, faces, edges and vertices.

Rocks, Attributes (of ROCKS) and more ROCKS...
We talked about attributes and decided...colors, shape, texture, and size are all good ways to describe our rocks.  Then we played a little game...we "meandered" around the room with our rock and when the music stopped we had to compare our rock with another friend's.  We found that it was easier to talk about heavy and light when we had at least two rocks!  

After discussing with others about their rocks we then drew ours in our journal and described it.
My rock is...bumpy, smooth, big, small, shiny, dull, purple, clear, heavy, light, round, rough...

Have a wonderful evening!

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