Thursday, October 31, 2013


Ms. Guy and THE CHIPMUNKS are rocking the BOOSTERTHON...We are up to 20.00/lap in pledges the only other kinder class that is ahead of us is Shelby's Rangers with 23.00/lap.  Keep getting those pledges!!!

 The great thing about Boosterthon is EVERYONE gets incentives...These kids have earned our WHOLE class shoes off AND bring stuffed friends to school! Way to go!!
The school still need the following states...
North Dakota
North Carolina
New Jersey
Rhode Island

So if you know anyone in any of these states...LET'S see Mr. I spend the night on the ROOF!  I can get North Dakota!!! 

Lunch with the BUCK A ROO!!! Thanks mom and dad for coming and making this a special day!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

November Homework

A little fun family homework is coming home tomorrow!
A Turkey in Disguise!  You will turn the turkey on the right into something that maybe he won't be caught for a thanksgiving dinner!  Let's see how creative this bunch of buck a roos can be!  

We will forever be referred to Guy's CHIPMUNKS...(not the pink chipmunks!!!)
CONGRATULATIONS to Bobby, Kyon and Abby for getting pledges last night! They were presented with some very "cool" boosterthon prizes.  BUT that's not all...They also EARNED the whole class 
 shoes OFF for a day. I will let you know the day we decide to do this!
That means we have earned AT LEAST 10.00 per lap!
Your child should have a boosterthon sticker today...Friends stick together was the message we got today!  GREAT message be sure to ask your little what they learned and/or Click here to watch the boosterthon video message!

Today we were making sets and assigning numbers to our sets.  Not only that but we were also putting our sets in numerical order starting at 6.  Discussions I heard, "9 comes after 8 and before 10."  "7 is one more than 8." "Our monsters have a total of 39 eyes...(okay so that was a bit off but NOT by much and I love that that group chose to figure that out!)" AGAIN...great conversations by littles!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Boosterthon, Boosterthon!!!

It is such a great organization and sends amazing messages to our kids!  
LET’S SUPPORT this PTA  FUNdraiser 100%!!!


The Boosterthon Fun Run kicked off today with a thrilling Pep Rally and I am super excited about this year’s program. Our team name is (to be determined)!  The Boosterthon Fun Run program involves all students in a fun, team building, fitness event while helping our school raise much-needed funds. The central focus of this year’s character program is FRIENDSHIP. This year’s character theme is CAMP HIGH FIVE, and the Booster Team will take students on a fun-filled journey teaching them the importance of friendship.   
Here’s how you can help:
1) LOG ON to your student’s website at using your student’s access code on the Pledge Book that came home with them today.  Log on each night to watch the Camp High Five character and music videos, and enter pledge information.
2) GET PLEDGES by connecting your student with 10 sponsors. The new has many ways to use social media in the pledging process and pay online. Be sure to capture and record the e-mail address of each sponsor, as they will have an easy opportunity to pay for your student’s pledge by credit card online. 
3) COME TO THE BOOSTERTHON FUN RUN NEXT WEEK! Remember, students will be running 30-35 laps and we would love to have lots of support for our team!
Thank you for supporting our classroom and our school!
I’ll see you next week at the Boosterthon Fun Run!

Christine Guy

Today Kensli brought in one of her favorite Read A Louds!  We read Cinderella (the wedding) !
Have a great evening!

Day 44

I'm amazed that we are in our 2nd 9 weeks of school already! In math we are counting and making sets of objects and using numbers to describe those sets. Yesterday we added buttons to Pete the Cat's jacket.

I love hearing the excitement of counting their buttons! As you can see students are having meaningful conversations!  "No! I have more!"  "I have 9 buttons!"  They were comparing with each other and checking each others work!

Problem Solving
Our notebooks are underway!!!
Yesterday our problem was.
Dylan had a collection of toy cars.  He gave 3 away to a friend.  He had one still left.  How many cars did Dylan start with?
We started with a part, part, whole PLATE.  We talked about what the parts of the plate should be labeled.  The big part was how many cars he had altogether we decided...but THAT was what we were trying to figure out.  So one of the small parts was how many he gave his friend and the other small part was how many he still had.  We filled in our plate with "cars".  Then we moved the small parts to the big part and found our ANSWER...4!
After using manipulatives to solve our problem we put it on paper.
Some one asked if he could solve it by saying 4-3 = 1.  WOW...great thinking.  But I posed this question...Did we know 4 from our story?  We talked through this  and decided that maybe using the subtraction problem as a way of checking ourselves might be better!

Buck A Roo

Looking forward to a GREAT week!
Please send pictures of all my little Trick or Treaters and their Holiday Creations!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Red Ribbon Week...

Celebrates being drug free and making healthy choices!!!
October 28th – November 1 st     

 Wear RED day!  All grades will receive a HERO book mark to remind them to always do the right thing!

 Put a cap on drugs!  Wear a Hat!

  Team up against Drugs?  Wear your favorite sports team jersey or shirt.

 Don’t let unhealthy choices “sneak” up on you?  Wear sneakers!!!!!


stay drug free!  Wear your school shirt to show your spirit!

Buck A Roo

I love how the littles really take their job seriously. They are a BIG help in the cafeteria, being our line leader, our messenger and anything else that needs to be done in the classroom!

On Thursday, Mom and Dad came to eat lunch with our Buck A Roo! Thanks for making this a special week!

 We had TWIN day this week...
These girls have been besties since DAY one!
 Look at our MULTIPLES!!! LOVE this bunch of kids! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


What a week already!  Lots of fun yesterday! I will work on compiling pictures and getting them posted of our trip to the pumpkin patch!

Today we jumped right back into reading, writing, math and science!

This week we are taking our first CBA assessment. This is given to the students 1 on 1 at the teacher table. There is A LOT of problem solving...using manipulatives to "act out" the story and then telling me how they solved it! So far so good! All of our hard work this far has paid off!

Yesterday, and today (for those that didn't come back from the pumpkin patch) we wrote all about our most memorable experience! (I'm sort of sad...because some of my friends took theirs home yesterday) BUT here are some amazing ones that I found in folders....(speaking of bring papers home...we will be cleaning out our writing folders and sending home the first 9 weeks of work later this week/month)
 I was on the school bus going to the pumpkin patch.
 We liked to feed the cows at the farm.  The cows were big.
 I went to pet the goat at the farm.

I am at the maze at the end.  It was fun.

I LOVE the pictures. So much detail!!! Some friends are beginning to write more than one idea. YAY!!!

We still have littles in all stages of writing.  I chose these to post because they were the ones I could find about the pumpkin patch! Some are still working. As we finish I hope to get them posted.

Last week we started reading in small groups. Next week books will begin coming home with your child! I know you all are looking forward to hearing your little buck a roo read!!! They make me smile!!!

In science we are beginning to look at the different parts of a plant and their purposes!  If you have any "dead" plants "sitting" may want to consider letting your little take it apart and look at all the parts. (Roots, stem, leaves and flower)  We will have a CLASS plant to dissect tomorrow...but I know everyone is going to want to get their hands on it! So much fun!

We all enjoyed Lego City Fight This Fire!  We were able to make some GREAT predictions while reading this one!  Thanks Valentino!

We are in need of some googly eyes for a math activity we will be doing next week.  If anyone has any lying around the house or would like to donate some to our class we would be very appreciative. J
Here is a picture of what they look like.  They come in all different sizes.  We are not picky. J

Thanks for helping us be successful in our learning!

Have a wonderful evening!

Our NEWest Buck A Roo


Yesterday he shared all about himself! I think he likes BASEBALL and swimming!

Friday, October 18, 2013

It's Friday, It's Friday...

I have a whole weekend with my new puppy, my youngest sister and two youngest nephew and niece, Thomas and Nora! I love when the family is able to spend time together!  The two oldest just ADORE their cousins and it is so fun to watch them play.
 Thomas turned 3 in September.
Nora turned 1 in September.
 Cousins... Hank is 6 and in 1st Grade and Jack is in 5th grade and 10! I love them all SOO much!
Beansli joined my family this past Sunday and is 2 years old!

Buck A Roo

Pumpkin Fun

Five Little Pumpkins

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Wow...getting ready for Thursday already!!! We had a very good day today.  We got a lot accomplished.

We finished up our pumpkin life cycle book...from yesterday's rotation.

This week we are learning a new comprehension strategy.
Good Readers are able to make connections.  This week we are just working on what connections are and how they help us.  Today everyone was giving a dot to dot. I asked them to make a prediction of what they thought they had a picture of. Once they had made their predictions based on the clues and their schema they CONNECTED the dots.  Once the dots were connected we were able to confirm or change our prediction.  We also noticed if we didn't connect the dots correctly it made it difficult to see the picture.

Problem solving.  We discussed what a set was.  We concluded that it was a group of "things" that go together some how...(are connected but don't have to all be the SAME thing).
We started problem solving on paper this week.  So today they copied "My set of ________." I told them a little story and they had to record how many went into their set.  "I went to the pumpkin patch.  I saw 3 orange pumpkins and 1 green pumpkin. How many pumpkins did I see?" We found out that our set was a set of 4 pumpkins...It didn't really matter what color they were since the question was not specific.

Then we practiced one less and counting back from 5.  Everyone had a "bed" (5 frame) and 5 "monkeys" (counters) We put those naughty little monkeys on the bed and they started jumping...we took one off when he fell and bumped his head.  Then we had 4...and so on! We had so much FUN we decided to act it out on our carpet squares as well! We talked about one less monkey each time.

MY OH MY...your child is bringing home a pumpkin VINE (or two) these need to be REPLANTED  as soon as possible.  They also need to be replanted and kept INDOORS...It takes about 4 months for a pumpkin to grow.  If it has ideal conditions we (you) should have a pumpkin around Valentine's Day!  My littles were SUPER EXCITED to see what had happened to their seeds.  We talked about the white part of the seed that we put in the ground being the "jacket" holding everything in.  Some of the jackets were still attached to their leaves so we could see that everything came out of the seed!  Have planted them in the clear cups allowed us to be able to see the root system as well and that had to have come from the jacket!  So many things to look at and talk about!

Have a great evening! Off to see my NORTH DAKOTA babies.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 35...

What a BLURRR!  Busy Busy Busy.  We started the day in the library...YAY! If your child forgot his/her book please send this week and I will get them to the library to check out a new one. With the book fair...I know it's been a long time!

Our poem this week is NOT about a color! It is 5 Little Pumpkins! We are doing a pumpkin rotation to finish up our pumpkins with our trip to the Pumpkin Patch as the culmination!

Big Orange Pumpkin Patch (Celina, Tx)
Meet at school at 9:00 if you would like to carpool or follow the bus.  We plan to arrive at the patch by 9:45-10:00. If you do not come to school to follow please meet us there by then so that we can get your group of kids with you!
We plan to be back at Robertson by 2:00. I'm guessing we will leave about 1:15.
Don't forget to pack a lunch for yourself and your child! We will be eating at the pumpkin patch!

Well...I got a 2yr. old puppy this weekend...AND my baby sister, from N.D. and her two little ones are headed down tomorrow! SO...please forgive me if blogging is sparse this week! I promise to be better once things settle down!

Also, blogger widgets (sidebar) is not letting me update. Sorry about the I Cans...
This week our site words are on, at. These are our last ones for this 9 weeks! WHEW...

Have a wonderful evening! Tomorrow is WEDNESDAY already!

Friday, October 11, 2013

It's Friday!!

Thanks to those of you all that were able to make it to MATH night last night! We had a lot of fun seeing the kids using math strategies we are learning in the classroom!!

My apologies on the book fair information!! I guess I just wanted you guys to have another chance to buy BOOKS!! The kids have had so much fun shopping and looking at the book fair! We will have another one in the SPRING. And I will also be sending home more scholastic book club order forms. 

See most of you on Monday! If for some reason you are going to miss your time please let me know.  Also, I will do my VERY best to stay on time...each of your children is VERY important to me and I look forward to talking to you! With back to back I said...I will do my best to stay on time!!

Enjoy your weekend! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 33

We continue to go along in room 313! And it makes my heart happy to be here!  Everyday we grow and light bulbs glow!

Things we need to work on or are working on...

Language Arts:
Letter ID and Letter Sounds
recording the sounds we hear in words

joining and taking apart within 5
counting to 100
writing numerals to 20

Buck A Roo
Chase had a special lunch with his mom and dad today! So glad they could join us! (not sure if you see that special cube in the picture!!)

Not only did the Buck A Roo get a special treat...SO did his teacher! Thank you for that special treat today!

And while I'm thanking...I owe my sweet Bobby a big thank you for the HOLIDAY treat earlier this week!

You all know how to make a teacher feel special!

My wall behind my desk is filling up with special pictures from my favorite littles as well!!! I have the best JOB EVER!!!

Hope to see you tonight 6:00 MATH NIGHT!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 31

Tuesday that feels like a Monday...hmmm???

They HAVE arrived!!!
Our Field Trip shirts are here...I will keep them here at school until AFTER we go to Safety Town. That way everyone will have one when we are ready to go on a field trip!  I just wanted you to know that they had arrived and we are good to go to the Pumpkin Patch.
YES...real men wear pink!!! :)  If anyone has a little that has an aversion to the color...might want to start preparing them!

Reader's Workshop:
Today we looked at the cover of a Laura Numeroff book, If You Take a Mouse to School and made some predictions what would happen! Today, instead of just talking about our predictions we actually drew them in our reading response journals!  A lot of us thought that the Mouse would eat all the cookies, some thought he would scare the kids and the teacher and some thought he would play with blocks!  We had a lot of schema on SCHOOL!!! We then listened to the book and some of us had to change our thinking...we drew something that actually happened in the story!  GOOD readers predict and then have to rethink as they uncover new clues!!!

Writer's Workshop:
We had a student model writing about our picture today!  We found out that a lot of words we need to write happen to be on our WORD WALL!!! (imagine that)  And for the other words we have to stretch the words out and record the sounds we hear. The sentence (story) today looked like this:  THE TECHR iS MAD bcz THE CEDS R cicing. "The teacher is mad because the kids are kicking."  I think this is pretty AWESOME.  We model this so that everyone can see it's okay to give it a try.  It is very important for your child to be able to read what they write!!! As students model on the board we talk about the word being finished and leaving a space so that the reader knows to start a new word! As your child reads his/her writing...have them point to the words. It helps them see that they maybe need a space or a different letter!

This video does NOT want to load...It's been processing on youtube for about 15 min.  I'll wait a few more...Okay when this video becomes available I will come back and embed! Sorry, my little buckaroo Chase!

Hopefully your little has talked to you about H.E.R.O (Helping Everyone Reach Onward).  We started Language Arts this week.  The teachers all met and talked about specific needs students had. We then grouped them throughout the grade level.  Each teacher is targeting a SPECIFIC need.  For 30 minutes your child is getting instruction based on their need!  AND having fun I might add.  My littles come back just buzzing about what they did with their HERO teacher!

Math Workshop
We played "Spill the Beans" today.  Each little was given 5 counters (ours happen to be red and yellow) they had to drop them and record how many red and how many yellow.  Some littles were ready to turn those numbers into a number sentence.  Some were ready to bring this home today. Some need  a little more time!

I love how this little JOINS the counters together when I ask how many all together!!!

Science time
There is a lot going on in this video and I'm trying to stay on topic but the end of the day can get chaotic!!! However, there is some great thinking  and teamwork going on!  I love my Little Buck A Roos!
We started by just getting the six picture cards with their labels and trying to put them in some sort of order.  We then did a gallery walk to see what the other groups did! After that we came to the carpet to talk about what the groups discussed and how they came to the decisions they came to.  All groups had some rethinking to do and that IS FINE! I overheard one group talking about which one was smaller because that would come after the seed.  Some were confused by the green pumpkin...
After we talked together and put a cycle together as a class and figured out labels...I sent them back to their groups and this is what we got!!!

This group worked together like a bunch of CHAMPS!!! They decided they liked the circle model I had put up on the board!

I say this EVERY YEAR...but for some reason EVERY year it's TRUE...I think this is the best Kinder Class I've EVER had!!! Thanks for sharing your little with me every day.

Have a great evening.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Oct. 7...

Day THIRTY...yes, you read that correctly 30! It just amazes me how quickly the time goes.  The progress I've seen makes my heart happy!

Today we fit a lot in AGAIN...and I didn't have a chance to put the camera in my hand!

Chase is our lil' buckaroo this week.
Chase likes sports.  He likes the Cardinals baseball team (well...that's his dad's favorite)!  He likes to play putt putt with his sisters both "inside and outside"!  He likes to eat tomatoes and cucumbers!
Lang. Arts
It's all about the P-u-r-p-l-e this week!
sung to Camp Town Races
P-u-r-p-l-e  Purple, purple.
P-u-r-p-l-e  Purple's what that spells.
Purple grapes on the vine,
Purple Kool-Aid's fine.
P-u-r-p-l-e Purple's what that spells!

(probably most of you can figure the tune out and sing it just fine! Me, NOT SO MUCH)

Sight Words:
go, purple A lot of littles forgot to bring their sight word baggie to school to day! Hopefully, their two cards made it home and can be added! I will be assessing the littles this week to see how many words they recognize! We have 15 words plus the color words!

Predictions...MY OH MY are my littles good at this! They can tell me the definition and make some amazing predictions!
We watched a BrainPOP Jr. and it just reinforced all that we ALREADY know! I love it!
We are getting ready to put problem solving in our journals. This week we will show what it looks like on white boards!
Today, I asked them to show me how many ways they could show me 3...
We had
2 and 1, 1 and 2, 3 and 0, 0 and 3, 1 and 1 and 1, 5 take away 2, 4 take away 1! Great thinking kinders!

Let's grow a PUMPKIN!
Today we started talking about the life cycle of a pumpkin...Whoa...let me back it up. We started talking (reviewing) what a living thing needs and how living things start out. We said they need care, air, food and water and they come from a SEED. So guess what? We planted some of the pumpkin seeds we pulled out of our pumpkin last week. When we got them out...I just put them in a big ziplock baggie...well!!! Today when I pulled them out...some of  them had ROOTS!!! WHOA...let's see if they sprout.
So, we know the beginning of the life cycle and the end of the life cycle...but what happens in between???
Tomorrow we will look at all 6 stages and put them in order and label!

Last Week's BLUE song

Yes, for the SECOND week this year!  This is given to the class by the specials and office staff for wonderful hallway and lining up behavior!!!

Have a wonderful evening!

Friday, October 4, 2013

It's Fridaaaayyyy

and blogger doesn't want to let me update our I can statements and what we are looking forward to...BOO

Show and tell day! Abby brought in a piece of pottery she made at the State Fair of Texas in 2011~ She told us all about how it was made! Great job Abby! (I tried to video but our voice just isn't loud enough YET!)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 27...

This is going to be a SAD post! I'm not sure how the day got away from me! Well...I guess starting out at the book fair was a bit of a distraction to us today...LOTS of fun but the excitement didn't wear off! HAHA

So, that was the beginning of our day. Your child should have some book fair information in their folder along with Thursday folder stuff!  It lists the special days/times that someone special can come, shop and eat!  Also, you can send money with your child on Tuesday, Oct. 8th to shop! If you send them with SPECIFIC books you want them to buy...please be aware that some books may be sold out at the time.

Buckaroo of the Week
Abby's mom (Robertson's very OWN Instructional Coach) brought her a special Wendy's lunch today!
 And after everyone eats...She gets to be our "garbage man"! She has taken all of her "jobs" very seriously and has been an OUTSTANDING first Buckaroo!
Have a great evening!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Catching up three of after school meetings...but I'm determined to catch you up on what's going on in 313!

Buckaroo of the Week
On Tuesday Abby wanted to read her story to us!!! She did a great job...Sorry you can't really hear her! We are still working on our "teacher voices"!

Today we got to see a power point...We got to see some special pictures set to "You Are My Sunshine", one of Abby's favorite songs!

This week we are working on making predictions using picture and textual clues!
During this time today we also worked on the Kagan Strategy Pair/Share.  The littles are AMAZING.  Mr. I was in watching us and very impressed with everyone! When you are reading to your child be sure to stop at places and talk to them about predictions.  "I think..., I bet..., I predict... BECAUSE (what in the picture helps them, what did you read that helps them or what in their schema helps them make that prediction)".  Then keep reading!!! Discuss if their prediction was correct or not!  There can't be a BAD prediction if they are using clues given in the story! Always, always, always praise your child for their thinking!  We do!!!

Over the last few days we have had to go back and talk about what our "work" should look like. Some littles like to be the FIRST one done...then say, "I'm done what do I do now."  The STAR picture sheet that came home is not just about's about details and doing our best.  After we practiced what a STAR picture should look like we talked about how our story pictures (writing) should look.  The more detail we have in our pictures the easier it is for us to write and for our audience to read!

In math we are using different problem solving strategies (tools) to help us add and subtract within 5.  If you haven't already guessed FIVE is an important number this nine weeks for kinder! We act problems out using real objects.  We can act the problem out using a math manipulative that represents the real object and today we used a 10's frame to help us solve our problems.  Keeping our math concrete is very important at this stage!!! Sorry, I don't have pictures...the camera is hard to find it seems!

Science is all about PROPERTIES of objects.  This week we are talking about properties of a pumpkin.  We have discovered that our senses help us with properties.  The properties are how the object looks and feels.  We said our pumpkin is orange and brown, it is small and short, bumpy and hard as well as round!
Yesterday, we got to SMELL the inside of the pumpkin. Some thought it smelled good and some thought it smelled like APPLES! Some did NOT like the smell.
Today...yep you guessed it...we got to TOUCH the inside and collect the seeds.  First we made some predictions (estimated) how many seeds we thought were inside our pumpkin...

Some had a bit more SCHEMA than others...but because of that all estimates were good today!!!
Once we started picking the seeds out...our schema changed as did our estimates!  Everyone thought there were MORE seeds than they estimated at first! GREAT job littles!!!

And during HERO time today we worked on making numbers...we practiced writing them all right...but not on paper!!!! A little Kinder FUN!

Have a wonderful evening!