Tuesday, October 22, 2013


What a week already!  Lots of fun yesterday! I will work on compiling pictures and getting them posted of our trip to the pumpkin patch!

Today we jumped right back into reading, writing, math and science!

This week we are taking our first CBA assessment. This is given to the students 1 on 1 at the teacher table. There is A LOT of problem solving...using manipulatives to "act out" the story and then telling me how they solved it! So far so good! All of our hard work this far has paid off!

Yesterday, and today (for those that didn't come back from the pumpkin patch) we wrote all about our most memorable experience! (I'm sort of sad...because some of my friends took theirs home yesterday) BUT here are some amazing ones that I found in folders....(speaking of bring papers home...we will be cleaning out our writing folders and sending home the first 9 weeks of work later this week/month)
 I was on the school bus going to the pumpkin patch.
 We liked to feed the cows at the farm.  The cows were big.
 I went to pet the goat at the farm.

I am at the maze at the end.  It was fun.

I LOVE the pictures. So much detail!!! Some friends are beginning to write more than one idea. YAY!!!

We still have littles in all stages of writing.  I chose these to post because they were the ones I could find about the pumpkin patch! Some are still working. As we finish I hope to get them posted.

Last week we started reading in small groups. Next week books will begin coming home with your child! I know you all are looking forward to hearing your little buck a roo read!!! They make me smile!!!

In science we are beginning to look at the different parts of a plant and their purposes!  If you have any "dead" plants "sitting" around...you may want to consider letting your little take it apart and look at all the parts. (Roots, stem, leaves and flower)  We will have a CLASS plant to dissect tomorrow...but I know everyone is going to want to get their hands on it! So much fun!

We all enjoyed Lego City Fight This Fire!  We were able to make some GREAT predictions while reading this one!  Thanks Valentino!

We are in need of some googly eyes for a math activity we will be doing next week.  If anyone has any lying around the house or would like to donate some to our class we would be very appreciative. J
Here is a picture of what they look like.  They come in all different sizes.  We are not picky. J

Thanks for helping us be successful in our learning!

Have a wonderful evening!

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