Monday, October 7, 2013

Oct. 7...

Day THIRTY...yes, you read that correctly 30! It just amazes me how quickly the time goes.  The progress I've seen makes my heart happy!

Today we fit a lot in AGAIN...and I didn't have a chance to put the camera in my hand!

Chase is our lil' buckaroo this week.
Chase likes sports.  He likes the Cardinals baseball team (well...that's his dad's favorite)!  He likes to play putt putt with his sisters both "inside and outside"!  He likes to eat tomatoes and cucumbers!
Lang. Arts
It's all about the P-u-r-p-l-e this week!
sung to Camp Town Races
P-u-r-p-l-e  Purple, purple.
P-u-r-p-l-e  Purple's what that spells.
Purple grapes on the vine,
Purple Kool-Aid's fine.
P-u-r-p-l-e Purple's what that spells!

(probably most of you can figure the tune out and sing it just fine! Me, NOT SO MUCH)

Sight Words:
go, purple A lot of littles forgot to bring their sight word baggie to school to day! Hopefully, their two cards made it home and can be added! I will be assessing the littles this week to see how many words they recognize! We have 15 words plus the color words!

Predictions...MY OH MY are my littles good at this! They can tell me the definition and make some amazing predictions!
We watched a BrainPOP Jr. and it just reinforced all that we ALREADY know! I love it!
We are getting ready to put problem solving in our journals. This week we will show what it looks like on white boards!
Today, I asked them to show me how many ways they could show me 3...
We had
2 and 1, 1 and 2, 3 and 0, 0 and 3, 1 and 1 and 1, 5 take away 2, 4 take away 1! Great thinking kinders!

Let's grow a PUMPKIN!
Today we started talking about the life cycle of a pumpkin...Whoa...let me back it up. We started talking (reviewing) what a living thing needs and how living things start out. We said they need care, air, food and water and they come from a SEED. So guess what? We planted some of the pumpkin seeds we pulled out of our pumpkin last week. When we got them out...I just put them in a big ziplock baggie...well!!! Today when I pulled them out...some of  them had ROOTS!!! WHOA...let's see if they sprout.
So, we know the beginning of the life cycle and the end of the life cycle...but what happens in between???
Tomorrow we will look at all 6 stages and put them in order and label!

Last Week's BLUE song

Yes, for the SECOND week this year!  This is given to the class by the specials and office staff for wonderful hallway and lining up behavior!!!

Have a wonderful evening!

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