Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day 35...

What a BLURRR!  Busy Busy Busy.  We started the day in the library...YAY! If your child forgot his/her book please send this week and I will get them to the library to check out a new one. With the book fair...I know it's been a long time!

Our poem this week is NOT about a color! It is 5 Little Pumpkins! We are doing a pumpkin rotation to finish up our pumpkins with our trip to the Pumpkin Patch as the culmination!

Big Orange Pumpkin Patch (Celina, Tx)
Meet at school at 9:00 if you would like to carpool or follow the bus.  We plan to arrive at the patch by 9:45-10:00. If you do not come to school to follow please meet us there by then so that we can get your group of kids with you!
We plan to be back at Robertson by 2:00. I'm guessing we will leave about 1:15.
Don't forget to pack a lunch for yourself and your child! We will be eating at the pumpkin patch!

Well...I got a 2yr. old puppy this weekend...AND my baby sister, from N.D. and her two little ones are headed down tomorrow! SO...please forgive me if blogging is sparse this week! I promise to be better once things settle down!

Also, blogger widgets (sidebar) is not letting me update. Sorry about the I Cans...
This week our site words are on, at. These are our last ones for this 9 weeks! WHEW...

Have a wonderful evening! Tomorrow is WEDNESDAY already!

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