Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 31

Tuesday that feels like a Monday...hmmm???

They HAVE arrived!!!
Our Field Trip shirts are here...I will keep them here at school until AFTER we go to Safety Town. That way everyone will have one when we are ready to go on a field trip!  I just wanted you to know that they had arrived and we are good to go to the Pumpkin Patch.
YES...real men wear pink!!! :)  If anyone has a little that has an aversion to the color...might want to start preparing them!

Reader's Workshop:
Today we looked at the cover of a Laura Numeroff book, If You Take a Mouse to School and made some predictions what would happen! Today, instead of just talking about our predictions we actually drew them in our reading response journals!  A lot of us thought that the Mouse would eat all the cookies, some thought he would scare the kids and the teacher and some thought he would play with blocks!  We had a lot of schema on SCHOOL!!! We then listened to the book and some of us had to change our thinking...we drew something that actually happened in the story!  GOOD readers predict and then have to rethink as they uncover new clues!!!

Writer's Workshop:
We had a student model writing about our picture today!  We found out that a lot of words we need to write happen to be on our WORD WALL!!! (imagine that)  And for the other words we have to stretch the words out and record the sounds we hear. The sentence (story) today looked like this:  THE TECHR iS MAD bcz THE CEDS R cicing. "The teacher is mad because the kids are kicking."  I think this is pretty AWESOME.  We model this so that everyone can see it's okay to give it a try.  It is very important for your child to be able to read what they write!!! As students model on the board we talk about the word being finished and leaving a space so that the reader knows to start a new word! As your child reads his/her writing...have them point to the words. It helps them see that they maybe need a space or a different letter!

This video does NOT want to load...It's been processing on youtube for about 15 min.  I'll wait a few more...Okay when this video becomes available I will come back and embed! Sorry, my little buckaroo Chase!

Hopefully your little has talked to you about H.E.R.O (Helping Everyone Reach Onward).  We started Language Arts this week.  The teachers all met and talked about specific needs students had. We then grouped them throughout the grade level.  Each teacher is targeting a SPECIFIC need.  For 30 minutes your child is getting instruction based on their need!  AND having fun I might add.  My littles come back just buzzing about what they did with their HERO teacher!

Math Workshop
We played "Spill the Beans" today.  Each little was given 5 counters (ours happen to be red and yellow) they had to drop them and record how many red and how many yellow.  Some littles were ready to turn those numbers into a number sentence.  Some were ready to bring this home today. Some need  a little more time!

I love how this little JOINS the counters together when I ask how many all together!!!

Science time
There is a lot going on in this video and I'm trying to stay on topic but the end of the day can get chaotic!!! However, there is some great thinking  and teamwork going on!  I love my Little Buck A Roos!
We started by just getting the six picture cards with their labels and trying to put them in some sort of order.  We then did a gallery walk to see what the other groups did! After that we came to the carpet to talk about what the groups discussed and how they came to the decisions they came to.  All groups had some rethinking to do and that IS FINE! I overheard one group talking about which one was smaller because that would come after the seed.  Some were confused by the green pumpkin...
After we talked together and put a cycle together as a class and figured out labels...I sent them back to their groups and this is what we got!!!

This group worked together like a bunch of CHAMPS!!! They decided they liked the circle model I had put up on the board!

I say this EVERY YEAR...but for some reason EVERY year it's TRUE...I think this is the best Kinder Class I've EVER had!!! Thanks for sharing your little with me every day.

Have a great evening.

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