Wednesday, October 30, 2013

November Homework

A little fun family homework is coming home tomorrow!
A Turkey in Disguise!  You will turn the turkey on the right into something that maybe he won't be caught for a thanksgiving dinner!  Let's see how creative this bunch of buck a roos can be!  

We will forever be referred to Guy's CHIPMUNKS...(not the pink chipmunks!!!)
CONGRATULATIONS to Bobby, Kyon and Abby for getting pledges last night! They were presented with some very "cool" boosterthon prizes.  BUT that's not all...They also EARNED the whole class 
 shoes OFF for a day. I will let you know the day we decide to do this!
That means we have earned AT LEAST 10.00 per lap!
Your child should have a boosterthon sticker today...Friends stick together was the message we got today!  GREAT message be sure to ask your little what they learned and/or Click here to watch the boosterthon video message!

Today we were making sets and assigning numbers to our sets.  Not only that but we were also putting our sets in numerical order starting at 6.  Discussions I heard, "9 comes after 8 and before 10."  "7 is one more than 8." "Our monsters have a total of 39 eyes...(okay so that was a bit off but NOT by much and I love that that group chose to figure that out!)" AGAIN...great conversations by littles!!!

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