Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 27...

This is going to be a SAD post! I'm not sure how the day got away from me! Well...I guess starting out at the book fair was a bit of a distraction to us today...LOTS of fun but the excitement didn't wear off! HAHA

So, that was the beginning of our day. Your child should have some book fair information in their folder along with Thursday folder stuff!  It lists the special days/times that someone special can come, shop and eat!  Also, you can send money with your child on Tuesday, Oct. 8th to shop! If you send them with SPECIFIC books you want them to buy...please be aware that some books may be sold out at the time.

Buckaroo of the Week
Abby's mom (Robertson's very OWN Instructional Coach) brought her a special Wendy's lunch today!
 And after everyone eats...She gets to be our "garbage man"! She has taken all of her "jobs" very seriously and has been an OUTSTANDING first Buckaroo!
Have a great evening!

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