Thursday, September 5, 2013


Oh where oh where has the week gone?

Just a reminder to look at what we are looking forward to on the sidebar...It was my fault for not advertising it better...but today was RED day.  Next Thursday will be ORANGE day. Please send your little one in the color of the week on Thursdays!!!

It was so much fun getting to see extended families here today!  Thanks to everyone that was able to come.  (SHHH! For those that didn't have a grandparent can bring them ANYTIME they are available!)

 Today we added poetry to our workstations.  We put our weekly poem in our journal and illustrated it. We talked about illustrations needing to match the text. So...I wasn't looking for purple grapes today! I love how this little one DREW and LABELED!
 Working on our word wall words as well as fine motor skills!
 Look at this...will you?  UH-MAZING handwriting posture! WAY TO GO!

Mom seems to be a word many of us know how to read, write and spell! YAY, mom is a very important person!

We went back to the piece we started yesterday and tried to label our picture.  For those that are quite at this stage we added more detail to our picture!  The following show all different stages.  Tomorrow we will continue working with this piece. 

 We continue to talk about 1 to 1 correspondence.  Today we all agreed that we SHOULD have 22 students.  Everyone got to pick any chair with a pocket...GUESS WHAT? There was on chair for for each student.  So C.J. said, "22 students are here!" I asked how many students were absent. "NONE"! I asked if we should say "None students are absent."  Some thought that would be okay! (ha ha) I asked them to try and think of a number that was the same as none! Kamaura told us she thought it was zero! AND...she was right!!! Way to GO KINDERS!

  Be on the lookout for these things.

·       Scholastic Book Order Form 

DUE Sept. 12 CHECKS (made out to scholastic book club) NO CASH 
Or ORDER ONLINE with a credit card Order online here
This is a great way to start building your child's at home library AND helping the classroom as well.
·       Clothe a Child Form
o   Please note, you child has NOT been selected, we are a Title 1 school therefore we are able to pass this out to everyone and anyone in need can return it. J

Thank you for sharing  your little one with me each day! 

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